07 Esben Weile Kjær

Hyper love. Pop pulsing and glitter in your face. Esben Weile Kjær takes us through his journey from the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen to the creation of The Poodles Core and onwards. Is being an icon the ultimate? Enjoy this one.

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06 gettyimagesfanclub

A fan club is ‘an organized group of people who all admire the same person or thing’. us2u wanted to understand, who’s behind @gettyimagesfanclub and are they obsessed with celebrities? The onpoint and unseen archive caught our attention. 

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05 Vanya Sundari

Have you ever thought about your jewellery as armour? Please meet Vanya Sundari who introduced us to the mindset of wearing beautiful and sculptural protection.  

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04 Benedict Brink

Benedict is our long time friend and collaborator. Through her tender photography, she never fails to capture the life in front of her lens. Honest and intimite. We are very pleased to have yet another conversation with her, and this time transcriped.

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03 Aiko Koike

We discovered Aiko through Instagram years ago, a master in prints and doodling. Finally, we got to meet her. Her visual direction for any project she posts, we are obsessed with. Diving deeper online, we landed on Aiko’s website. That’s worth a visit! Have a read. 

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02 Sam Cottington

Dramatic and brutally direct, Sam is a genius both in his texts and on his Instagram. Dirty cups, juicy asses, quotes and sweaty armpits, Sam’s instagram (y35dqddy) you don’t want to miss. A real People Person who we had so much fun chatting to. 

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01 Synnøve Kruse Serup

A long time friend who we keep being deeply inspired by. Synnøve is an artist, creating raw and geometrical ceramic pieces. Shapes, forms and techniques are present elements in her practice. With Synnøve the conversation always ends up in nature, also in this one.  

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